
Stop Hate Crimes

Re “2 Skinheads Sought in Attack on 3 Jewish Boys,” April 10: I am a 14-year-old boy living in Los Angeles. On April 6, on our Sabbath, three friends were attacked by skinheads and beaten up. On April 13, the next Sabbath after the attack, I had to walk to a friend’s house. It just so happens that the way to get to my friend’s house was through the street on which the three boys were attacked. I had never been so scared in my life. This must stop. Anti-Semitism in the world must stop.

I was raised as a religious Jew and I plan to raise my children the same way, but if the hate doesn’t stop now, I am frightened of the world my children will be born into. Please help fight hate crimes and please report fairly on the Middle East crisis so as not to help perpetuate anti-Semitism.

Doni Kandel

Los Angeles
