
Lovely Lemon Pickles

If you want to wait six weeks, you can pickle your own lemons to add their exotic fragrance to salads, cheese dishes and North African stews. But you probably won’t have organically grown Meyer lemons to work with, the way these gorgeous pickles do. Try some with roasted sweet peppers and crushed garlic.

Moroccan lemon preserves, $10.50 for a 17-ounce jar plus $6.95 shipping (either one or two jars) from La Vigne Enterprises; call (760) 723-9997 or go to www.lavigne on the Web.

Charles Perry


Key to the Real Goods

Tired of waiters in ethnic restaurants refusing to bring you that great-looking stuff the next table is eating? Here’s the solution: Your very own multilingual “Chowhound Passport,” which tells your server in seven languages that you want what everyone else is having. Translations include Spanish, Filipino, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Thai and Japanese (the Chinese version reads: “I have a foreign face but a Chinese stomach”).


“The Chowhound Passport,” $5 from the Chowhound Web site (

Russ Parsons
