
CBS Masters Ratings

Buoyed in part by afternoon coverage of the Masters golf tournament, CBS turned in a solid prime-time scorecard Sunday to claim the week, as “The Pilot’s Wife” landed the network’s highest movie rating this season, based on viewing estimates issued Tuesday by Nielsen Media Research.

Several high-rated series were in reruns last week, including “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” which nevertheless topped the weekly standings. Among spring tryouts, meanwhile, “Baby Bob” continues to deliver as part of CBS’ Monday lineup, while ABC’s “The Bachelor” and “The George Lopez Show” are performing moderately well based on their time periods.

Casualties include ABC’s “Wednesday 9:30 (8:30 Central)” and “The Court” as well as Fox’s “The American Embassy” and CBS’ “AFP: American Fighter Pilot.” Other newcomers, among them Fox’s “Andy Richter Controls the Universe” and “Greg the Bunny” and NBC’s “Watching Ellie,” have seen discouraging declines after promising starts.


CBS and NBC continue to run far ahead of ABC and Fox, while NBC enjoys a wide margin of victory in the young-adult demographics sought by advertisers. ABC’s malaise is such that its most watched show, “PrimeTime Thursday,” ranked No. 23 overall last week. The newsmagazine posted its third-highest rating this season.



National Nielsen Viewership

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