
Jenkins Gets Top Honor

Sally Jenkins of the Washington Post became the first woman to place first in the columnist category in results of the annual Associated Press Sports Editors’ contest.

Mike DiGiovanna of The Times tied for fourth in the game-story category among papers with over 250,000 circulation.

The Times’ Lonnie White, Sam Farmer, Alan Abrahamson, Diane Pucin, Justin Heckert, Rob Fernas, Mike Penner, Elliott Teaford, Chris Dufresne, David Wharton and Lance Pugmire placed fourth in the enterprise category.


Writing winners were determined by 53 senior editors, outside the sports department. Six judges rated the stories on a point system. There was no tiebreaker. The final entrants were selected by sports editors and their assistants at a meeting at St. Petersburg, Fla., in March.
