
Valley: Self-Governance Will Secede or Fail

In the early 20th century, a simple majority of landowners and developers in the San Fernando Valley voted for annexation to Los Angeles. Now a majority citywide must approve Valley secession and the right of Valley residents to form their own city (“Secessionists Are Next on Mayors Fight Card,” April 11).

In the 1950s, part of northern Burbank seceded from Los Angeles without fanfare or a citywide vote. What changed? Why is the process so complicated and politicized? What happened to the right of self-determination?

Richard Deight

Buena Park


If the Valley succeeds in secession, many new top city jobs will be created. I would volunteer to be mayor, but I suppose that position has already been spoken for. However, if I could get my Sherman Oaks to secede from the Valley, maybe I could be mayor of that heavenly place. But if I lose that election, maybe I could get my subdivision of Chandler Estates to divorce itself from Sherman Oaks, and I’d surely be the mayor of that domain. Oh well.


Corporations merge for efficiency, but if divesting makes for better government, maybe we should divide the whole nation in two at the Mason-Dixon line--and call them the North and the South.

Edward S. Hill

Sherman Oaks
