
Brush Clearance

The L.A. Fire Commission produced a 12-page color brochure covering the brush clearance rules and sent it out to everyone. It announces a deadline of April 15 instead of the historical May 1 as the day everyone has to be in compliance. It arrived in homes on April 10. This means many homeowners will not be in compliance, and reinspections will be necessary.

The brush clearance unit charges the homeowner a $218 reinspection fee. Of course, that would never cover the cost of the brochure or the cost of doing inspections two or three times instead of once. We should have received a postcard in March if the date was changing, and a simplified list of the basically simple rules for brush clearance. Former Councilman Joel Wachs used to get after this kind of waste in city government. I hope someone else there will pick up the ball.

Roxanne Greene

