
Study Faults Dutch, U.N. on Srebrenica

Associated Press

A six-year study of the 1995 massacre of thousands of Muslims by Bosnian Serb troops in the “safe zone” of Srebrenica spread responsibility for the debacle among the Dutch government, its army commanders and the United Nations.

More than 7,000 Muslim boys and men in the U.N.-declared safe haven were killed during one ferocious week of bloodletting in July 1995. Most were slain after being caught trying to flee the Bosnian Serb onslaught, but many were killed after being taken from a Dutch-staffed U.N. base where they had been promised protection.

The 7,600-page report, commissioned by the Dutch government, said no evidence was found to link the Serbian leadership in Belgrade, the Yugoslav capital, to the killings.
