
Ship on Anti-Poaching Mission Stops Locally

From Times Staff Reports

A ship that is on its way to an anti-poaching mission off Costa Rica docked Tuesday at the Port of Hueneme.

Sailing from Seattle, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s 157-foot Ocean Warrior stopped to load a generator for use on Cocos Island, a national park 300 miles off Costa Rica.

The 25-year-old volunteer group patrols protected waters around the world to thwart illegal fishing.


The society is to sign an agreement with the Costa Rican government on April 30 that will allow it to patrol the 12-mile area around Cocos, said Paul Watson, the group’s founder and the Ocean Warrior’s captain.

“We intervene against illegal activities,” Watson said. “We’ve been shot at, we’ve been rammed, we’ve gotten in trouble with governments--but we’ve never caused an injury.”
