
Luigi Luraschi, 96; Paramount Executive

Luigi Luraschi, 96, Paramount Pictures executive for more than six decades and a major supervisor of the studio’s European productions, died March 31 at home in Paris of causes related to old age.

The multilingual Luraschi went to work for Paramount in New York in 1929, and four years later came to Hollywood to set up an international department to deal with the foreign press. By the 1960s he was working in Europe, helping Dino de Laurentiis produce Italian- and English-language films in Italy. In 1965, he went to Paris to work with producer Paul Graetz on “Is Paris Burning?”

Luraschi was transferred to Rome in 1967 as vice president for international production for Paramount British Pictures, supervising production and dubbing in France, Italy, Germany and Spain. Luraschi retired and moved to Paris in 1994 at the age of 88.
