
B. Dworshak, 48; Led Press Services at Salt Lake Games


Bruce Dworshak, a man of uncommon gentility and humility who was a leading expert in organizing and managing services for the press at the Olympic Games and other large-scale sporting events, died Tuesday. He was 48.

Dworshak had appeared hale at the Salt Lake Winter Olympic Games, where he served as director of press operations. Only a few people knew he had been battling illness for months; he died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. The cause of death was not announced.

“Bruce achieved ... a much envied and appreciated reputation for evenhandedness and fairness absent any interest whatsoever in self-aggrandizement or self-promotion, a rare quality in today’s super-hyped media environment,” said Rich Perelman, press chief at the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Games, who was a longtime friend and colleague.


Dworshak’s role in Salt Lake was emblematic of his professionalism in the last two decades. He oversaw behind-the-scenes work, including accreditation, accommodation and language services.

The Salt Lake Games were notable for the smooth operation of such logistical concerns.

Dworshak served as chief of press operations for the 1999 women’s World Cup and the 1994 World Cup. At the 1984 L.A. Games, Dworshak managed the information services section--which, among other things, operated the 600-seat main interview room.

Born June 16, 1953, in Salem, Ore., Dworshak attended the University of Oregon. He is survived by his parents, Mike and Agnes Dworshak of Springfield, Ore., and three siblings.
