
Governor’s Race: Young Voters Have Issues Too

Almost every day I read an article regarding the upcoming governor’s race. I am glad to see that Gov. Gray Davis and Bill Simon are out talking about issues that Californians care about, but as a young person in this state I feel a bit disenfranchised. I don’t feel that the candidates are addressing the concerns that are facing young people (ages 18 to 24) today, which could be a huge indicator as to why young people are not voting.

I think it would be a great idea if, before the November election, the two candidates squared off for a debate that was moderated by young people, where young people ask the questions and young people are able to feel that their concerns are being addressed by our politicians. This could be a historic time for California and the nation to really engage young people in voting and the political process.

Mary J. McClelland

Los Angeles
