
It’s Right Up the Alley of Wacky


Tonight at 8, from the fabulous Stardust Lanes in Minneapolis, Comedy Central rolls out the second season of its wackily tacky game show, “Let’s Bowl.”

You don’t have to be a fan of the sport to enjoy the goings-on, and in fact, it’s probably best if you’re not. The bowling culture, as well as life in American’s Polka Belt, is given a frequently bawdy bashing by series creator and writer Tim Scott and his partner Mike Nelson. The result is a series that’s more satirical sendup than game show, and the formula works more often than not.

The format is simple: Two bowlers go head-to-head to decide a personal issue. In tonight’s show, a husband and wife are at odds over a vasectomy. If she wins the match, she takes him to the doctor. If not, he emerges unscathed. With co-hosts Wally Hotvedt (creative consultant Rich Kronfeld) and Steve “Chopper” Sedahl (Steve Sedahl) presiding over the action, you could cut the tension with a knife.


“I usually try to stay impartial, but I’m rooting for you, brother,” Hotvedt tells the husband. “Every normal man is.” Bonus prizes include an ice-fishing package, a snow blower and membership to a herring-of-the-month club.

The bowling coverage comes complete with slo-mo replays and cutaways to the scorecard. There are some special rules to keep in mind, however. Tonight, the person with the poorer vision gets to go first. Next week, it’s the individual who has caused more car accidents. And, once each game, a contestant can crash cymbals behind an opponent’s head as the ball is released.

Amusing interviews, musical numbers and wicked “Inside Bowling” segments round out the package. And although “Let’s Bowl” doesn’t always roll a strike, it’s got attitude to spare.
