
Arafat Should Be Removed From Power

I believe the time has come for the U.S. to endorse the Israeli military action against Yasser Arafat and his Fatah movement for their heinous crimes against innocent civilians and nonmilitary targets. I also believe that military action against the Palestinians should lead to the removal of Arafat as leader of the Palestinians. Twenty people were killed in Netanya during the Passover massacre. Since the intifada started, approximately 400 Israelis have been killed. This would translate into 22,400 Americans being killed if it happened here. We would not put up with this, so why should we expect Israel to?

Israel and Jews all over the world want peace. This peace is not possible as long as a murderer and terrorist like Arafat is in power. Arafat must be removed in order for the peace process to move forward and the violence to end.

Bernard Hoffman

Los Angeles


It takes great statesmen to change history. Both Ariel Sharon and Arafat failed the test of history, and it is time for both of them to go. It is Sharon’s policy and actions that led to the suffering of both the Israelis and the Palestinians. In contrast, Arafat’s lack of policy direction and actions led to the suffering of his people and their overwhelming feelings of desperation. We can say Arafat is being stripped of his power by Sharon’s actions, but Arafat was not bold enough to turn the tables in his own favor.


To both, Sharon and Arafat: Remember that God almighty is powerful and in control.

Khaled Soliman



If Arafat is honest about restraining suicide bomber terrorists, instead of their being rewarded, he will declare the act a crime. Further, he should arrest the bomber’s entire family--mother, father, sisters, brothers--as conspirators. This will surely deter bombers and enable Arafat to demonstrate his seriousness about fostering peace.

Bert Eifer

Woodland Hills


Yes, Sharon’s policies make perfect sense. Because isolating Arafat is going to make everything better. No one is going to get angry; they’re just going to give in once their leader is held hostage and martyred. Just give in to Israel’s demands, even though Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian land, illegally building and supporting settlements. Basically, Sharon is a warlord, a criminal. If anything, his actions will only spark more bitter hatred for him and his administration. He is risking the lives of millions of innocents, as well as the stability of the world to settle a personal score he has with Arafat.

If Sharon’s idea of extending his hand in peace is surrounding his counterpart’s headquarters, occupying his cities and towns, demolishing civilian homes, razing acres of olive trees, killing women and children, rounding up all the Palestinians he can and imprinting individual numbers on them, then all I can say is that he is doing Hitler proud. Ironic, isn’t it!


Wasim Muklashy

Los Angeles


As one who supported the Palestinian position in the present conflict, I must now admit that I was wrong. It is absolutely impossible to justify in any way the disgusting act of murder committed by the Palestinians this Passover. I now feel that Israel must by any means necessary end the threat posed by Palestinian terrorists.

Jeff Lane



Re “The Power of Restraint,” editorial, March 29: It’s easy to call for restraint from 7,500 miles away, when it’s not your family members that were killed for no other reason than because they were eating dinner in the wrong hotel. The U.S. didn’t exercise all that much restraint in responding to the terrorists who brutally damaged our nation. Neither should Israel restrain itself, after hundreds of senseless murders and dozens of attacks. Any other response legitimizes the terrorist murder of civilians as a negotiation device.

David Marinoff

New York
