
War Reporting

Reading “When the Press Is in the Dark, So Is Everyone” (Commentary, Oct. 24) just sparked my anger again at Press Secretary Ari Fleischer’s admonition that we the people should be careful what we say and do right now. No, Ari. Only that coward Osama bin Laden needs to be careful what he says and does right now. We Americans are free to hear the truth, speak the truth, and thank God the press is still free to report it.

By reminding us that Ernie Pyle and Ernest Hemingway reported from the front lines of World War II and America was still victorious, John Balzar makes an excellent point. Thank you to the young men and women who stick their necks out to protect us all and our freedom, and thank you to the reporters who tell their true stories and keep us all informed. Let freedom ring!

Amaryllis Borrego

Los Angeles
