
Jury OKs Forfeiture in Meth Case


A federal jury Friday approved the forfeiture of more than $1 million in cash, jewelry and cars that were seized from convicted Orange County drug manufacturer and distributor John Ward.

After two hours of deliberations, the jury decided that the possessions--which included rare automobiles, weapons, Rolex watches and expensive knickknacks--were purchased with the proceeds from illegal drugs and should be confiscated from Ward, 30, of Orange.

On Wednesday, the same jury convicted Ward of conspiracies to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine. Ward’s parents, Frances, 53 and Steve, 54, were convicted of money laundering.


In arguing that he should maintain possession of the items, Ward said he purchased the items with money he earned through gambling, buying and selling rare cars and through a T-shirt business. Assistant U.S. Attorney James Spertus told the jury that these were actually money-losing operations used to launder drug proceeds.
