
Drinking Water

State Sen. Sheila Kuehl’s bill on requiring developers to guarantee water to residents of big developments is good (editorial, Oct. 1). But we apparently need much more than this, considering your Aug. 14 article saying one in three people on the planet will not have adequate drinking water in as little as 25 years.

We need leadership and people with vision, right now. Our leaders need to educate citizens about how vital it is to start conserving, start planning, start trying to figure out ways of providing water to the world population. If the recent terrorist attack taught us anything, it should teach us Americans that we’ve been living in paradise, by comparison, and that we must become more responsible and innovative global neighbors. Confronting and dealing with the issue of drinking water (and the survival of every living thing on the planet) would be a great place to start.

Tobi Dragert

Los Angeles
