
U.S. Aid for Pakistan but Not for Skid Row

Re “Pakistan’s Porous Border Offers Escape Hatch for Fleeing Taliban,” Nov. 15: The U.S. has promised to give $73 million to Pakistan to protect its 1,500-mile border with Afghanistan. This act will surely cause millions of Americans to ask one obvious question: Why? How about spending the $73 million, and more, to protect our borders? Our borders along Canada and Mexico are so vast and porous that we will continue to have terrorists, and anyone else who wishes, enter our country at will.

Alan Meersand

Manhattan Beach


Re “The Growing Numbers and Problems of Women on Skid Row,” Nov. 15: Perhaps I’m divorced from the world’s problems. Homelessness, women forced to sleep in cardboard boxes on the streets of Los Angeles, or any U.S. city. Alone and isolated, many not having friends or family to care for them. Where is our American support; is there something wrong with the system?

Excuse me, I see where the support rests: Our government has agreed to give Islamabad $73 million to improve border security. War is hell, no one can dispute that. Yet our very own war, women sleeping in boxes? How great we are, helping Pakistan.


Please, I beg you--do not allow our homeless women to read these articles; without a doubt I’m sure their tears will flow into curbs of extreme ruins. Have we all forgotten our own?

Bob Wheeler

