
Parents Need to Be More Involved in Education

Re “Parents Need to Lead Children Into Education That Works,” May 3:

As a former high school teacher and assistant principal (and current at-home mom), I was pleased to read a commentary that finally tells parents that they need to lead the reformation in education. However, the real issue is not school of choice. It is how you choose to be involved with your current school.

Why doesn’t the quoted waitress feel she can talk with her children’s teachers? Has she honestly tried? My former district required us to send home introductory letters to the class, with e-mail addresses, the school phone numbers, etc.

I personally have made hundreds of phone calls after 7 p.m. to try to reach parents. During an accreditation process I headed, I sent more than 2,000 letters and surveys to parents inviting them to rate our school and join teachers in an open forum, with flexible meeting times, on goals for the next six years. I believe it was the same seven or eight parents (from the PTA) who joined our group, and about 300 surveys were returned. Our sports programs, however, have more volunteers than needed. Hello, parents!


Make the public schools more competitive? Competition only works when people choose to compete. Private and charter schools require parental involvement, and the public viewpoint is that they are better. Wonder why?

Victoria Smith

Trabuco Canyon
