Next, a Crisis That Swamps Blackouts
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PALM SPRINGS — The desert around here, so dry that imported Arizona cactus needs watering, has sprouted a man-made water-ski lake, 100 lush golf courses, outdoor air-conditioning and gardens fit for the tropics.
A quarter-million residents use an average of 375 gallons of water a day at home, twice the national norm. That costs a household only half as much as cable TV.
Beyond the Salton Sea to the south, 400 Imperial Valley farmers receive as much Colorado River water as Arizona and Nevada combined. Their main crop is alfalfa, a thirsty, low-profit feed for dairy cows and horses.
There, rain is a curse. It wilts the lettuce and unbalances the water district’s cash flow by cutting demand for irrigation.
This is just a start. The Colorado is piped to the fastest-growing cities in the United States: Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Tucson. What little is left irrigates Mexico’s richest farm region.
To water specialists, the over-tapped Colorado River basin is symbolic of a calamity facing much of the world. Freshwater reserves are disappearing fast.
These experts see the California power crisis as the harbinger of much worse to come.
“No one thought that a state richer than most countries could fail to deliver reliable supplies of electricity,” warned Richard Brusca, a University of Arizona environmental scientist. “Well, guess what’s next?”
People can survive power cuts and even live without oil, he adds. Water is another matter entirely.
Like China’s lifeline Yellow River and other waterways on six continents, the Colorado often runs dry before reaching its mouth. Across America and the world, ancient underground lakes are squandered by over-pumping.
Pesticides, fertilizers and solvents poison some aquifers far below the surface. Others take on salt water when levels drop too low.
The planet has no more fresh water than it did millenniums ago. But with today’s rocketing growth in arid zones, conflicting needs of farms, cities, industry, recreation and wetlands promise bitter water wars.
“We foresee serious problems,” said Bruce Smith, the U.S. Defense Department official who supervises 300 projects in 100 countries designed to help provide water and reduce political tensions. “This is getting very bad.”
He said the Pentagon and State Department now give high priority to preventing violent conflict over water in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
But water managers across America say the public and political leaders who can effect change seem to ignore the danger.
“Planners always say that we can worry about water supplies in the future,” said Tom Turney, the New Mexico state engineer. “That doesn’t work anymore. The future is now.”
Coping With a Culture of Denial
The Rio Grande is as overcommitted as the Colorado. Albuquerque, whose underground reserves were until recently vastly overestimated, could dry up by 2050. Already it has closed wells because of natural arsenic in the soil.
Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso, has soared beyond a million inhabitants, typical of northern Mexico’s growth. It could run out as early as five years from now.
“When you open the doors and see inside, it terrifies you,” said Aletta Belin, a Santa Fe, N.M., environmental lawyer. “You think, isn’t someone supposed to be watching all this?”
Linda Vida, of the Water Resources Center at UC Berkeley, sees the same phenomenon across the American West and beyond.
“Nobody is looking out,” she said, “The stakeholders want what they want. No political leader is willing to go out on a limb and make some people very unhappy. No one wants to deal with tying growth to resources. They just squeeze out more.” As a result, she said, a drought that otherwise might be managed with water reserves could hit California far harder than the energy crisis.
Interviews with scores of specialists lead to a gloomy picture, but some also see points of light.
“People are beginning to ask the right questions,” said Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institute for Development in Berkeley. Technology is helping. Now, he noted, it takes one-tenth the water to make a ton of steel.
The Metropolitan Water District’s conservation programs have reduced consumption, stabilizing water in Los Angeles despite population growth. The MWD is filling new reservoirs, above and below ground, to add reserve capacity.
Orange County Water District has a revolutionary project to triple-filter waste water and recharge the substantial Santa Ana aquifer. This also helps to block encroaching seawater.
“We’re showing California and the world that you can effectively recycle water,” said William Mills, head of the district.
Still, as a seasoned engineer and manager, Mills sees the conflicts ahead. Old-style fights involved rifles and dynamited aqueducts, but now stakeholders head for the courts.
“We’re going to see lawsuits everywhere over the next 10 years,” he said. “The water wars are going to start all over again.”
Arizona Faces Frightening Prospects
Each state has its own complex policy based on the days when farmers and ranchers held sway. Municipalities and water districts set their own rules. There is no federal water master.
Arizona is regarded as forward-looking in water matters. But its Water Resources Department in Phoenix, which sits behind a lush green lawn, faces frightening projections. The state population grew by 40% in a decade.
Two decades doubled Arizona’s population to 5.13 million, pushing new homes onto waterless wasteland. Golf courses and parking lots climb dramatic hillsides, replacing unique Sonoran desert.
In Phoenix, where urban canals still flood home gardens, daily water use is 250 gallons per person. Wealthy suburbs are awash in lagoon-fringed subdivisions with “water” and “lake” in their names.
In Tucson, with more restrictions, the average use is 175 gallons. But saguaro stands and mountain foothills are plowed up for more resorts.
Tom Levy, general manager of the Coachella Water District and president of the California Water Contractors Assn., sighs ruefully when asked about long-range planning.
“We water guys can never confront the hard issues,” he said. “We find a temporary fix and hope we’re retired before we have to answer for it. Then if our kids are attorneys, they can make a living sorting it out.”
Dennis Underwood, former head of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and now assistant director of the MWD in Los Angeles, lamented, “When it comes to planning, we’re still looking at the end of our noses.”
Although attention mostly focuses on the U.S. Southwest, rivers as unlikely as the Ipswich near Boston have been pumped dry.
William Alley, director of ground water research at the U.S. Geological Survey, sees shortages looming in much of the United States. Even areas with plentiful supplies are taking no chances.
The Great Lakes have one-fifth of the world’s fresh surface water, he said, but recently a Korean tanker was refused permission to fill up there for ballast.
Along the Atlantic coast, seawater seeps into aquifers from Cape Cod to the tip of Florida.
The huge High Plains (Ogallala) Aquifer has been tapped so heavily that parts of Kansas and other Midwest areas may have to switch to rain-fed agriculture, Alley said.
Calamitous Summer Looms in Northwest
In many places, land subsides. Over-pumping in California’s San Joaquin Valley has caused one section of farmland to drop 29 feet. Tucson, Albuquerque and Las Vegas are slowly sinking.
Severe drought in the Northwest, where reservoirs have been drawn down to supply power for California, threatens a calamitous summer. Already, salmon are in danger, unable to spawn because of low water.
In the Southeast, drought has further depleted aquifers, letting in seawater. Desperate Florida authorities seek federal clearance to replenish underground water with untreated runoff.
Scientists expect problems to worsen if global warming upsets rainfall patterns. Dams and diversions may aggravate crises. As deltas and wetlands dry, ecosystems suffer.
“It took nature millions of years to fine-tune these systems, and we come along and think we can improve them,” Brusca of the University of Arizona observed. “We may be in for some ugly surprises.”
Most experts believe people won’t save water until it costs what it is actually worth. Water is now essentially free. Most consumers pay only the cost of treatment and delivery. In some places it is even illegal to meter water.
But putting a value on water is touchy.
Las Vegas authorities, for instance, insist their lavish use of water draws big spenders. Casinos among blazing lights and lagoons bring in far more than wheat and alfalfa.
Sandra Postel, author of two books on global water issues, worries about monetizing water. If the wealthy can buy up scarce water, what about the poor?
“How do we decide who wins and who loses?” Postel reflected. “Is this just a market issue?”
Palm Springs and nearby towns bloom on a desert moonscape against a backdrop of starkly beautiful mountains. Less than three inches of rain fall each year.
At the Palm Desert Marriott resort, boats ferry diners from the lobby to a restaurant across a 23-acre artificial lake. Inside, its brochure boasts, “It took over 50 million gallons of water to fill the indoor lake and waterfalls.”
Public Apathetic About Conservation
Elsewhere, cooled mist above cafe terrace tables air-conditions the outdoors. Badly aimed sprinklers water paved streets. Nearly every home has a swimming pool, its water evaporating in the heat.
“People today are selfish, thoughtless and don’t seem to care about anyone’s future,” fumes Pat Finlay, a retired actress and self-described “water nazi” who badgers her Palm Desert neighbors to save every drop.
Levy, the district’s manager, scheduled two public meetings to push conservation. Despite newspaper ads and 80,000 mailed notices, only 40 people showed up.
Levy must supply scarce water not only to grape, citrus and date farmers but also to resort operators whose lush paradises enrich the local economy.
Controversy erupted when developers of Shadow Lake, near Indio, bought land and planned to pump ground water to fill a 43-acre water-ski lake, 12 feet deep, and sell 48 sites for shore-side homes.
Levy twice asked California’s State Water Resources Control Board to step in, citing the state constitution’s stipulation that water use must be “reasonable and beneficial.”
When the board declined to consider his request, Levy said, he had no choice but to provide Colorado water in order to protect the aquifer.
Kevin Loder, sales manager at Shadow Lake, acknowledges that his project might look like a waste of water. But he insists the opposite is true.
When completed, the opulent gated community will be worth $70 million, he said, contributing $1 million a year in taxes. The same water used for agriculture would add up to a fraction of net value.
“It all depends on the price you put on a bucket of water,” Loder said. “The beauty of this is that we paid only $3,400 to fill the lake because we used agricultural water.” He estimates the total at 100 million gallons.
He added: “We have a right to dig wells. Anyway, if we didn’t use the water it would just be sitting in Lake Havasu.” California draws its Colorado River water from Havasu, a man-made reservoir on the border with Arizona.
Others disagree vehemently. Mexico has twice as much farmland as the Imperial Valley but only half the water. Shrimp industries and fisheries are imperiled when Colorado water does not reach the Gulf of California.
The Los Angeles metropolitan area and San Diego are eager for more of the Colorado. Both have negotiated with the Imperial Valley district for water saved by more efficient--and costly--irrigation.
Imperial Valley a Complex Picture
In all, California gets one-quarter of 17.5 million acre-feet divided annually among seven Western states and Mexico. It has also been consuming an extra 900,000 acre-feet unused by others.
An acre-foot, or 325,000 gallons, would cover a football field in a foot of water.
After negotiation last year, then-Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt signed a 15-year plan that would return California to its quota despite rocketing new demands.
Imperial Valley Irrigation District has raised $23 million to defend historical rights to its 3.1 million acre-feet. At the IID, a framed 1901 masthead of the Imperial Press declares: “Water is King, and Here Is Its Kingdom.”
But reality is complicated.
In 1993 the Bass brothers of Texas bought 46,000 acres in hopes of selling the water rights to San Diego. When IID directors opposed that, they sold the land to U.S. Filter Corp.
Then U.S. Filter was acquired by Vivendi, the giant French water and entertainment conglomerate. Now the valley’s largest landholders are stockholders in France.
The valley’s 100 different crops earn $1 billion a year, but the majority of water goes to break-even hay, including Sudan grass hay exported cheaply to Japan as cattle feed.
Some farmers say the only way to long-term survival is to fallow mediocre land, sell surplus water rights and use the remaining land more wisely. They see alfalfa as a holdover from the past.
“I’m convinced we can eventually grow 10 times the food on a quarter of the land,” said Alex Jack, whose high-tech investments include soil sensors linked by radio to his laptop computer.
But others maintain that Imperial Valley farmers who pioneered the land should not be deprived of the fruits they earned. If they go, they argue, who will produce food?
“I honestly think city people believe every supermarket has three cows and a wheat field in the back room to provide their food,” farmer Toni Holtz said, with a bitter laugh.
Jesse Silva, IID manager, is open to new water transfers but sees limits to how much water farmers can save.
“The way we’re going, it’s pretty scary,” he said.
In Palm Desert, Levy predicts that large-scale desalination will be essential within 50 years. Even if technology cuts the cost, he said, agriculture will still face severe changes.
Desalination now costs about $800 an acre-foot, Levy noted, but farmers can lose money with water at $15 an acre-foot.
That adds in the issue of food security. What American farmers do not grow must be bought in world markets. But water shortages already cut deeply into other countries’ production.
Experts agree that big-picture solutions in America and beyond must be as much political as technical.
Victor Baker, head of the University of Arizona hydrology department, believes engineers could solve most of the world’s water problems if scientists and politicians alike would think differently.
“Politicians don’t understand the science, or they manipulate it to their own purposes,” he concluded. “Scientists, who don’t understand politics, always think they’ll be heard. The trick is to make politicians more realistic and scientists more understanding.”
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