
For Next ‘Survivor’ Party, You Can Serve Food From the Popular TV Show

You knew it would happen: A snapshot by Henk Friezer of Eagle Rock indicates that some grocery stores are giving shoppers the chance to hunt for food seen on TV’s “Survivor” (see photo).

Stupid driver tricks: Columnist David Allen of the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin steered me to the case of a Montclair motorist who allegedly stripped off her top in a busy Claremont intersection and danced in the street after nearly running over a police officer.

Prior to that, she drove in circles about 35 times when police ordered her over for going 45 mph in a 25 mph zone.


She was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer, being under the influence of PCP and other drug charges.

“It was quite an eye-opener,” officer Mike Ciszek told the Bulletin’s Melissa Pinion-Whitt. “One of the more interesting stops I’ve had.”

Nature’s special effects: At Caltech, Dan Fink of L.A. came upon a program note for the satirical group Capitol Steps that contained an announcement of some magnitude (see accompanying).


No whining about Winnie: Speaking of offbeat programs, I was reminded of a note a few years ago for a production of “Winnie the Pooh” in Thousand Oaks. It said:

“The stereotypes portrayed in ‘Winnie the Pooh’ are in no way condoned by the Young Artists Ensemble, and we have left them intact to preserve the author’s original message. All bears do not like honey, not all donkeys are slow, not all piglets are easily frightened, and not all boys think that Winnie the Pooh can talk to them.”

Who needs pro football anyway? If the Lakers repeat as world champions, Bob Brigham of Manhattan Beach wonders if the fan who devised this tribute last year will repeat the gesture (see photo). I think another Laker deserves something more special. Isn’t it about time to rename the Lakers the Shaquers? The team’s fresh-water nickname refers to its beginnings in Minnesota anyway.


No sense of place: I mentioned the Anaheim parking lot attendant who, when told that a driver’s last name was “Campbell--as in the soup,” started to write “S, O . . . “ on the receipt.

Lloyd Peyton of Silver Lake thought of the time he made a business call to a man who was out of the office. “His secretary asked for my name,” Peyton recalled. “I said, ‘Lloyd Peyton. That’s Peyton--as in Place.’ When the man called back, he asked, ‘Is there a Mr. Place there?’ ”

miscelLAny: You wouldn’t come across this type of offer in Dubuque. Sea Castle, a luxury beachfront apartment building opening this month in Santa Monica, will give its first 10 residents a free surfing lesson.


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LA-TIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A., 90012 and by e-mail at [email protected].
