
Truth in Advertising?

Robin Rauzi writes of “Jackass” host Johnny Knoxville that “even covered in feces, he’s raffishly appealing” (“Not Such a Dumb Stunt After All,” March 18). What a stunning new standard of beauty. Of course, the morons who make and watch “Jackass” (no show was more aptly named) have no problem tainting the collective conscious of youth culture.

A symbol of “teenage rebellion”? Not from a multimillion-dollar corporation like MTV. More a symbol of the burgeoning, self-absorbed, desensitized culture that finds human pain entertaining.

Knoxville says, “People love sports bloopers, car wrecks, train wrecks . . . “ without considering the mangled human remains or lives ruined. Joe Lieberman isn’t correct, but neither is MTV.


The desperate executives who rush to put these anti-human shows on TV are already symbolically covered in feces. Pardon me for not finding them raffishly appealing, only rudely appalling.


Los Angeles
