
Company Town Film Profit Report

This report is based on projections of total U.S. box-office gross from a consensus of industry sources and studio financial models. The U.S. and Canadian returns (about 55% of gross) represent only 20% of a film’s final revenue, which includes overseas theatrical, video and TV income. The industry marketing average of $30 million per film is factored into these profit equations, as is the relative strength of specific film genres in foreign markets. Results for the weekend of March 16-19:



* Though the official cost on “Enemy at the Gates” is north of

$90 million, Mandalay, which financed the film, benefited from German tax incentives, bringing its actual outlay to about $70 million. Paramount, which has domestic rights, should recoup its marketing and distribution costs. If “Enemy” performs strongly overseas, Mandalay, which pre-sold the film in most territories, stands to recoup its investment.

* “Exit Wounds” is a clear profit maker for Warner and should do even better in foreign territories.


$$ Mega-Moneymakers ($50 million or more in profit)


Projected Box- Estimated U.S. box-office* office cost, in receipts,* Movie title Studio rank millions in millions Hannibal MGM/Universal 8 $80 $165 Crouching Tiger Sony Classics 6 15 120 Traffic USA 10 50 115


$ Moneymakers ($10 million or more in profit)


Projected Box- Estimated U.S. box-office* office cost, in receipts,* Movie title Studio rank millions in millions The Mexican DreamWorks 3 $38 $70 Down to Earth Paramount 7 30 68 Chocolat Miramax 9 25 68 Exit Wounds Warner Bros. 1 33 50 See Spot Run Warner Bros. 4 16 38 Recess: School’s Out Disney 12 10 38


? Toss-ups ($5 million or more in profit/loss)


Projected Box- Estimated U.S. box-office* office cost, in receipts,* Movie title Studio rank millions in millions Enemy at the Gates Paramount 2 $70 $38 Get Over It! Miramax 11 10 13



Losers (more than $5 million in loss)


Projected Box- Estimated U.S. box-office* office cost, in receipts,* Movie title Studio rank millions in millions 15 Minutes New Line 5 $42 $26


