
Pack Train

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* “Santa Anita Plea: ‘Git Along, Mule’ ” (March 7) brought back many wonderful memories from my youth, when we camped in the West Fork of the San Gabriel during the early days of the Depression. One of our group of four was accident prone, and it always fell to me to make no fewer than three night hikes out to Chantry Flat to get the resident ranger to follow me back to camp with his horse and mule to pack out our injured companion, an all-night exercise. This was long before the availability of helicopters. Mule power had to suffice.

To jeopardize this most-important service to cabin owners, as well as casual hikers and fishermen and women, is unconscionable. Helicopters have their limitations and are far more expensive to operate. They have limited use at night, in inclement weather or when smoke obliterates visual landmarks. Mules and horses are not so restricted. Let’s keep something that at least goes back further than I do.


San Diego
