
State Senator Suggests Year-Round Daylight Savings Time


Rather than complex bailouts or irritating rate hikes, there’s a simpler way to ease California’s energy crisis, says a state senator from Long Beach.

The clock.

Democrat Betty Karnette introduced a resolution Monday asking Congress to give California the option of remaining on daylight saving time all year instead of turning back clocks in the fall. Californians would have an hour more of sunlight a day and would use less energy around peak hours, which fall about 6 p.m., Karnette said.

“People can appreciate saving energy in an easy way,” she said Tuesday.

The idea has some precedent. During the Mideast oil embargo a generation ago, the nation went on extended daylight savings time in 1974 and 1975. During that period, the country saved as much as 10,000 barrels of oil a day, according to a U.S. Department of Transportation study. The study also found that there were fewer traffic accidents because evening commuters were driving in daylight.


A similar resolution was offered last year by state Assemblyman John Longville (D-Rialto). Although the resolution was overwhelmingly approved by both chambers of the state Legislature, Congress took no action.

The California Energy Commission considers the idea “well worth evaluating” and began studying it Tuesday, said Claudia Chandler, the agency’s assistant executive director.

Karnette said she is trying to find a champion for the cause in Washington. By law, Congress must approve time changes.


With an energy crisis gripping California, Congress may be more willing to consider the idea.

“There’s no one agency or level of government that is going to get us out of this situation. . . . Any and all suggestions are going to be welcomed,” said Michael Harrison, press secretary for Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-El Cajon).
