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Share the Wonder of Reading needs people to train as volunteers to read to elementary
schoolchildren, one-on-one, at various schools in the Los Angeles area. Information: Mary Haskins, (310) 289-1201.
* North East Trees, a Los Angeles environmental group, needs volunteers to help plant oak trees at Occidental College in Eagle Rock on Saturday. Information: (323) 221-1778.
* Independent Adoption Center is holding an adoption information session Jan. 20 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Westchester. Information: (310) 215-3180.
* Los Angeles Superior Court needs juror docents to assist jurors during jury duty by answering questions abut jury services and providing information about travel, parking, bus routes, restaurants, museums and other activities. Information: (213) 893-2240.
* Easter Seals, West Covina office, needs volunteers to help paint and decorate the site, as well as volunteers to help adults with developmental and physical disabilities during arts and crafts and leisure activities and to help them become more integrated into the local community. Information: Yvonne Yanez, (626) 856-1601.
* Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, a national nonprofit group that records textbooks for print and learning for disabled students from kindergarten through postgraduate level, needs detail-oriented volunteers knowledgeable in subjects including math, science, computers, economics or medicine, and those who can describe visual materials in words. Training is provided. The studios are in Hollywood, the west San Fernando Valley and the South Bay. Information: (800) RFB-TEXT.
Information for this column should be submitted typed and double-spaced to Involvement Opportunities, SoCal Living, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.