
Jeer Leader

SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS VOTED overwhelmingly last fall to keep the school’s mascot, Monty Montezuma, despite complaints from Latino and Native American students that the bare-chested, spear-throwing yell leader is a racist depiction of an Aztec emperor. University President Stephen Weber, under serious alumni pressure, agreed to keep Monty as mascot but vowed to make him more “historically accurate.”

That poses an interesting challenge, since one expert claims the real emperor was less a fierce warrior and more a sensitive 16th-century kind of guy who preferred simple tunics to loincloths and wouldn’t be caught dead in Monty Montezuma’s showy garb and peacock-feather headdress. While Weber awaits the recommendations of a 20-member task force exploring the realities of Aztec culture, we cornered grad student Chris Snook, the current Monty, for a chat.


Do fans yell at you for not looking like the real emperor?

When I first started doing Monty, I heard things like “McMonty” and “Whitey” because of my red hair and blue eyes. Some historians describe Montezuma as a flesh-eating murderer. I wasn’t there, man, I don’t know what went down.


What does “Aztec” signify for you?

Honor, tradition, strength, brilliance and pride.

What’s the significance of the conch?

The conch shell is a signal historically to the god Quetzalcoatl for courage. People were disappointed [at] the first game because all I could do was make a kazoo-like noise. Now it’s like riding a bike.

Why do you spit fire?

It’s a signature move I added after seeing ancient Aztec dances on the Discovery Channel one night. I did it to bring something new to the crowd that they could associate with my portrayal of Monty.

Is that a leather loincloth?

No, it’s “pleather,” and the most frequently asked question is, “Monty, what’s under that skirt?”


Monty, what’s under--

That will remain a secret.

Will it cramp your style if the school decides to dress Monty in a tunic to make him more historically correct?

Nothing cramps my style, man. I just adapt.

Should Monty be more culturally enriching? Maybe less running around throwing spears?

Let’s get educated on what’s accurate before we start changing stuff.

Did they throw spears or not?

We don’t really know yet, so let’s find out. Any change before that is ignorance on both sides.

The San Diego Chicken makes more than $300 per game. That a career option for you?

I’m interested in real estate development, motivational speaking, health and wellness. Eventually I want to become a venture capitalist.
