
New Laws and Freedom

Re “California Laws 2001,” Jan. 1.

My opinion: Somehow they will cost me in additional taxes. Each law takes away more of my freedom (government knows best). A few are logical, but in the overall, the new laws give lawyers more reasons to sue, and we become more dependent on the law rather than our individual morals.

As a result of this bureaucratic mess, I have several suggestions:

* I blame the newspapers for not providing voters advance information on potential laws. Therefore a suggestion: At least once a week, publish a list of potential laws to be discussed and / or voted upon in the following weeks. Include a brief summary, the reference number, maybe an opinion, but only if both sides are provided, and the submitter. The sections should include city, county, state and federal laws. Help us become involved citizens.

* Each agency should form a committee to review all of our laws, in each of the above, and remove duplications, useless laws, etc..


* Most laws are passed to satisfy the various donors of the politician. If people are involved, this will be reduced.

We are a nation of laws, but also a nation of too many superfluous laws.


