
Boy, 10, Killed by Truck While Skating in Buena Park


A 10-year-old Buena Park boy was crushed to death between the wheels of a big rig Tuesday after apparently losing control of his in-line skates, police said.

The child, who was playing with his 13-year-old brother and another 13-year-old boy in their neighborhood, was skating downhill over a freeway overpass about 12:30 p.m., authorities said.

The boy picked up considerable speed as he went down Valley View Street, and he was unable to stop at the Trinidad Way intersection, investigators said. He slid under the big rig and was caught between the left rear wheels of the 50-foot trailer, which was turning right, Buena Park Police Sgt. Chris Nunez said.


The boy apparently died instantly, he said.

The other boys, one riding a scooter and the other a skateboard, were not injured, Nunez said.

Apparently the 10-year-old “wasn’t able to stop because of the speed,” Nunez said. “The timing was just a coincidence. It’s terrible.”

The truck driver told police he felt the truck strike something and immediately stopped. When he saw the boy trapped between the wheels, he called 911 on his cell phone, Nunez said, adding that the driver does not appear to have been at fault in the accident.


Trevor Gautreaux, who lives nearby, came upon the scene as he was driving home. He said he considers the intersection dangerous because so many neighborhood children play near the crosswalk. “It was bound to happen,” said Gautreaux, 18. “Kids are always out here in front of traffic.”

The child’s identity had not been released Tuesday night, pending notification of relatives.
