
A Simple Treat: Candied Peel

I recently had dinner at a charming restaurant where the final dish passed around was candied orange peel. It was received with the sort of enthusiasm that white truffles usually get.

It made me wonder why we hardly see this simple but wonderful recipe anymore. I have become a curator of forgotten recipes, and this recipe for Candied Citrus Peel will be my first endeavor to give back an almost lost treasure.

There are a number of steps in this recipe, but they’re all simple, so don’t be discouraged at first read. Trust me, it’s an elementary process, and the result more than makes up for the effort.



Cunningham’s latest book is “Learning to Cook With Marion Cunningham” (Alfred A. Knopf, 1999).

Candied Citrus Peel

Active Work Time: 30 minutes * Total Preparation Time: 1 1/2 hours plus 8 hours standing

You can use 3 oranges or 6 lemons in place of the grapefruit.

2 grapefruit

2 cups sugar

3 tablespoons light corn syrup

3/4 cup water

* Peel fruit in large strips. If white pith is very thick, trim off a little.

* Place peel in a saucepan, cover with cold water and simmer 30 minutes. Drain, then cover with cold water and simmer until tender, about 10 minutes. Drain and cut peel into strips about 1/4 inch wide and 2 inches long.

* Mix 1 cup sugar with corn syrup and water in a heavy saucepan and stir over low heat until most of syrup has dissolved, 3 to 5 minutes. Dip a pastry brush (any small brush with soft bristles) in cold water and wash down sides of pan (this prevents coarse sugar crystals from forming), then add peel and cook gently over low heat until most of syrup has been absorbed, 15 minutes. Cover pan and let stand overnight. Reheat and bring to simmer, then remove from heat, cool slightly and drain.


* Spread several thicknesses of paper towels with remaining cup sugar and roll peel in it, turning so that all pieces are well coated. Let them stand until they are dry enough to handle. Store airtight, and they will stay fresh several months. If they become too dry, put a lemon in the container for a day or two and the peel will soften.

About 2 cups candied peel. Each tablespoon: 22 calories; 2 mg sodium; 0 cholesterol; 0 fat; 6 grams carbohydrates; 0 protein; 0 fiber.
