
Medical Marijuana

* Re “Medical Marijuana Backers Target D.A.s With Recalls,” Feb. 12: When questioning the source of the recall funding, Marin County D.A. Paula Kamena asked, “Are these the people who sell drugs to our kids?” A little common sense might show that the drug dealers Kamena speaks of would more likely support the disregard being shown for Proposition 215 by so many county D.A.s. It’s this disregard that drives legitimate patients out of medical marijuana buyers’ clubs and co-ops and into supporting black-market drug dealers.

Medical marijuana contributes to a better quality of life for thousands of sick and dying patients. It’s too bad that so many whose vision is clouded by the drug war mentality refuse to honor the will of the people and allow patients their medicine. That will was expressed in the passage of Proposition 215 and is being further expressed with these recall drives.


