
Gaddi Gets Out While the Getting Is Good

I look at the possible appointment by President Bush of Gaddi Vasquez to the position of director of the Peace Corps as a very interesting concept (July 26).

When Vasquez was chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the county went bankrupt, and Vasquez bailed out just ahead of the creditors.

Now Southern California Edison stands on the brink of bankruptcy, and once again Vasquez is positioning himself to bail out.


Doug Krabbe



I am intrigued by Vasquez’s refusal to discuss his “political views” about the Peace Corps while his nomination is under scrutiny by the U.S. Senate.

Does he feel that his political views about that agency are irrelevant to his qualifications for the post? Perhaps he is refraining from discussing that issue to prevent a discussion of his qualifications for the job.

As I understand his qualifications, they include his having been a Ppolice Eexplorer scout, a local police officer and a failed local politician and Republican Party hack who bears no little responsibility for the largest municipal bankruptcy in history.


I, for one, would like to hear Vasquez talk about his qualifications and his political views about the agency he hopes to head.

John Michael Covas

