
U.S. Steps Up Fight to Block Farm Disease

From Associated Press

More than 300 new inspection personnel are being hired at the nation’s international airports to step up continuing efforts to keep foot-and-mouth disease out of the United States, Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman said Monday.

The move will pump more than $32 million into actions this country has taken to block a disease that has wreaked havoc on farmers in Britain.

It also represents a new infusion of cash to the fight against foot-and-mouth disease. So far, the government’s efforts have mainly amounted to redirecting dollars and resources already in the Agriculture Department’s budget. Those actions include putting to work specially trained sniffer dogs, sending more inspectors to the nation’s international airports, launching a public education campaign and sending a team of veterinarians to Europe to help efforts there.


Veneman said Monday’s actions marked “an important step that supports additional actions we have already taken to protect U.S. agriculture.”

“Given current situations around the world, we need to continue reviewing program needs and take every possible action to strengthen our pest and disease prevention systems.”

Foot-and-mouth disease is harmless to humans but is so devastating to livestock that herds in areas where it appears are immediately eradicated. The virus can be carried on clothing and footwear as well as in meat products. The United States has banned imports of livestock and raw meat from the European Union.


The United States has been free of the disease since 1929.

The new money will allow the Agriculture Department to hire 350 new personnel, including scores of inspectors, veterinarians and canine officers.

It will be financed by revenue from $3 user fees added to airline tickets and charged to each person entering the United States.

Officials said $13.5 million of the $32 million-plus will be spent immediately. An additional $18.6 million will be spent in the next fiscal year.
