
Chuck Quackenbush

* I am disgusted to read that former Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush is free, moving his family to Hawaii and preparing for a new start (Sept. 6). Hundreds, if not thousands, of property owners were shortchanged in their settlements after the Northridge earthquake due to Quackenbush’s machinations. People who properly protected themselves are not given the same chance for a fresh start because they are financially ruined, while Quackenbush lolls on the beach.

I believe this man has earned a long stay in prison. I would happily accept this alternative--get him a very high-paying job and garnishee his wages for the rest of his life, distributing the earnings to those in California whom he has screwed.




So Quackenbush is moving to Hawaii and maybe writing a book about his experiences. Someone please warn the good people of Hawaii that this man should never run for any public office. I find it somewhat laughable and perplexing that he would think that anyone would care to read a book about his “adventures” here in California.


Just go away, Chuck. And spare some trees by not writing this book. Nobody cares!


Sierra Madre


Does California have an extradition treaty with Hawaii?


Santa Monica
