
Woman Dies After Her Car Rolls Over Her in Driveway

An 80-year-old woman was killed Friday morning in her driveway when her car rolled over her, police said.

Marjorie Hale had been backing out of her driveway in a 1972 Ford Maverick when she stopped the car and got out, possibly to close her garage door. But the car kept moving, knocking Hale to the ground and rolling over her, said Lt. Don Lehman of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Valley Traffic Division.

The unmanned car then swung around in a circle and hit Hale a second time, Lehman said.

Two neighbors witnessed the 11:20 a.m. accident and summoned an ambulance to the house in the 8400 block of Stansbury Avenue, he said. Hale was pronounced dead at the scene.
