
Props. 38 and 39: the Bright Side

* I am happy to wake up in the state of California. I am happy even though Prop. 38 lost and Prop. 39 won. I am happy even though I continue to pay property taxes to support California’s public schools although in my 19 years of formal education and in my children’s combined 13 years of formal education, only one of those years was spent in a public school. I am happy even though the state can now raise my property taxes by a 55% majority (how ironic that Prop. 39 only passed by 53%) to support the public schools. I am happy even though I wave to my neighbor, who has the same house as I do but pays 50% less in property taxes because he has lived there for over 20 years.

I am happy even though the public school system is filled with individuals who effectively pay zero in property taxes (and, in effect, zero for their children’s education), as they are renters. I am happy even though the public schools are filled with children of illegal immigrants, who legally should not be in the schools at all. I am happy even though the average school district spends $7,000 per student and they want more, while my children’s school spends less than half of that figure. I am indeed happy to wake up in California.

Why? Because at least I do not live in the state of New York.




How come no one is questioning the use of teachers and kids, time in the classroom, flyers in backpacks, etc. to defeat Prop. 38 and to support Prop. 39? Sometimes in not-so-subtle ways, teachers were encouraging parents through their kids to support Al Gore.



Rowland Heights
