
Chromium 6

I read with increasing horror your story concerning the fact that chromium 6 was released into the Los Angeles River from 1945 at up to 80,000 parts per billion (“Chromium 6 Released Into L. A. River for Years,” Oct. 30). The [state] Office of Environmental Health Hazards Assessment has established a public health goal of 2.5 parts per billion.

Your article states that these records were compiled by the city of Los Angeles, but not released to the public.

[S. David] Freeman, [general manager] of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, barely acknowledges that there is a problem.


Who out there is taking care of us? Shouldn’t safe drinking water be the top priority for the people of Los Angeles?

We trust the people in charge to look out for the good of everyone. God knows we pay a lot for our water, and now we discover we can’t even drink it. I won’t even let my pets drink it.

They should pay us to drink this poisonous stuff.


Valley Village
