
Europe’s Got It Right

* “GM Takes Aim at Small-Car Market” [Nov. 1], yeah, right. The Saturn? Let’s get real. That announcement is a kissing cousin to all the political hot air beamed our way in recent months. If GM or any American auto manufacturer really wanted to take “aim at” the small-car niche, they would begin immediately to import the small cars that can be seen daily on the roadways of Europe, most of which are made by manufacturers who are participants with those corporations.

This past summer, my wife and I had the opportunity to lease truly small cars, Volkswagen’s Polo and Lupo. Driving through Germany, France and Denmark and having two large suitcases along, we saw similar cars such as the (really small) Kia and the Citroen Saxo, which are not imported into the U.S. Also, Britain is reviving the Morris mini.

Typically, the basic “extras” include power steering, radio-cassette and heater. And how about almost 40 miles to the gallon! The roominess and comfort is adequate for all but the very tall (6-footers) and those who are overweight. We (5-foot-11, 5-foot-10) never felt cramped.


Recently, it has become popular to heap pejoratives upon those who view these hyped-up announcements with cynicism. Well, how about that old Missourian saw “Show me.”


Los Angeles
