
Gay and Lesbian Relationships

Re “Vote by Reform Rabbis Is an Endorsement of Sacred Relationships,” May 14.

Rabbi Steven B. Jacobs clearly articulates the current debate over gay and lesbian marriages in terms of sacredness, decency and community recognition. There can be little dispute that these are lofty goals for both the faith and the community. However, the heated conflict bubbles forth from a deeper and darker source. The real debate is about accepting the existence of homosexuality. Period.

Since the revelation at Sinai we have no more of a clue as to the core meaning of the Levitic prohibition than when it was given. Rather than try to figure out what God meant, we should pay attention to how his work may reveal his intentions. Life in the harsh landscape of this universe has been protected and blessed by a splendid diversity. Heterosexuality securely claims the center of the human bell curve, but homosexuality is also a consistent but small presence on the continuum. In contrast to some other nonconforming predispositions, homosexuals threaten no one’s safety.

What is threatened by sanctification of homosexual couples is the “straight” image of the promiscuous “gay lifestyle.” What is threatened is the deconstruction of the Ozzie and Harriet image of marriage. With fewer and fewer straight couples tying the knot and those that do splitting before the contract is up, it is hard to see how a few gay marriages could possibly threaten such a “rock solid” institution. It’s time for the angry demonstrators on both sides to put down their placards and go home, tend to their respective gardens and each other’s needs in peace.



Woodland Hills
