
Council Seeks to Restore Confidence in LAPD

After weeks of dealing with the aftermath of the LAPD Rampart corruption scandal, two Los Angeles City Council members Wednesday introduced motions aimed at restoring the public’s trust in the Police Department.

Councilman Mike Feuer wants the department to explore the possibility of having officers wear small video cameras to record their interactions with the public.

Feuer argued that the tiny video cameras will help protect citizens from abuses of authority while shielding officers from false claims of misconduct.


Meanwhile, Councilman Joel Wachs is calling on the department to revive its “senior lead officer” program, in which select officers were assigned to work with neighborhood watch groups, residents, business leaders and patrol officers to facilitate a spirit of cooperation.

“The creation and implementation of senior lead officers provided accountability to local residents--and to the department itself--and galvanized a partnership between the police and the communities they serve,” Wachs said.

Reviving the program, Wachs said, will “help heal the city and restore the public’s confidence” in the Police Department.


Both proposals will be studied by the council’s Public Safety Committee before coming back to the full council for a vote.
