

Child Advocates Office of Los Angeles Superior Court needs Court Appointed Special Advocates to investigate the circumstances of children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect in Los Angeles County and present the information to dependency court judges. Volunteers must be at least 25 and have good communication skills. A two-year commitment and 36 hours of training are required. Training starts Saturday. Information: Christine O’Rourke, (323) 526-6305.

* Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific needs volunteers in various departments on weekends and weekdays. Training and parking are provided. Information: (562) 951-1659.

* Meals on Wheels, Santa Monica-Malibu-Pacific Palisades, needs donated office space in Santa Monica. About 1,800 square feet plus parking are needed. Also, volunteers are needed to deliver meals to the ill, elderly and other homebound people. Information: (310) 394-5133.


* Mount Wilson Institute needs volunteers with an interest in astronomy to help with office duties weekdays in its administration office at the Hale Solar Lab in Pasadena. Information: Kate Barlow, (626) 793-3100.

* Sojourn Services for Battered Women and Their Children needs volunteers to provide support and referrals on its 24-hour hotline, facilitate support groups, conduct children’s groups, work in emergency response teams and accompany women to court. Training runs April 4 through May 23 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Santa Monica. Information: Jennifer Chen Speckman, (310) 264-6646, Ext. 221.

* Pet Orphans Fund, a no-kill shelter in Van Nuys, needs people to look after pets with special needs temporarily. Food and medical care are provided. Information: (818) 787-3177.


* Doingsomething, a Los Angeles volunteer network, has opportunities for everything from walking dogs to serving the homeless, planting trees, helping with events and assisting at children’s parties. Information: (310) 391-3907.

* Mulholland Middle School’s mentoring program in Granada Hills needs adults one hour a week to help students with the academic, personal, social and career choices they face. Information: Michelle Elias, (818) 345-5446.

* Pasadena Meals on Wheels, operated out of Pasadena Presbyterian Church, needs volunteers to pack, drive and deliver meals to homebound people weekdays. Information: Gina Gonzales, (626) 449-6815.


* International Rescue Committee, a refugee resettlement agency in Los Angeles, needs volunteers for mentoring, office work and special events, as well as a Russian/English-speaking receptionist. Information: (213) 386-6700.

Information for this column should be submitted typed and double-spaced to Involvement Opportunities, SoCal Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
