
Be Consistent in Naming Ethnicity

* Re “Toddler’s Death Got Authorities, Suspects Moving” (March 19):

The first paragraph says investigators focused their attention “on members of the King family, fourth-generation Korean Mexicans from Tijuana.”

Fourth-generation Korean Mexicans? Give me a break!

To me they are Mexicans. It’s proper you mention the family members are Mexican citizens or they are from Mexico, but to specify they are the fourth-generation Koreans, I think it’s ridiculous.

As a reader, I only want to know what happened, I don’t need to know if the criminal is French, German or Korean.


I don’t believe The Times encourages any racial differentiation. But I have observed frequently that you always specify the origins of Asians in most reporting of car accidents, gang activities or murders.

I haven’t seen any disclosure of same information applied to European descendants, such as “Mary McDonnell, a second-generation Irish.”

Asians are also citizens of this country. Please do not single them out.


