
Talk With FAA Chief Fails to Resolve Airport Issues

State Sen. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) said Wednesday no concrete proposals for a new Burbank Airport terminal emerged from his meeting with FAA Administrator Jane Garvey, but Schiff said he was optimistic that a deal could be brokered.

“There is a very good opportunity to resolve the issue,” Schiff said.

Schiff said the Federal Aviation Administration chief, during the 30-minute meeting in Washington, was not unalterably opposed to a plan to close the proposed terminal from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.--a measure designed to curb noise overnight. Airlines have complained that the closure would be illegal.

Garvey did not return a call for comment.

Schiff said he would do what he could from Sacramento and later this year convene a meeting so the airlines and other parties to the terminal agreement could discuss their differences.


Rep. James Rogan (R-Glendale) had complained that Garvey was meeting with Schiff for partisan reasons. As a state lawmaker, Rogan said, Schiff has little say in federal air transportation issues.

Schiff is seeking to oust Rogan in the Nov. 7 election. Rogan has complained that Garvey, an appointee of President Bill Clinton, has not responded to his request for information.
