
Ticker Talk

Reuters, Bloomberg News

Shares of Orem, Utah-based Caldera Systems Inc. (CALD), a developer of services and software for the Linux operating system, jumped 110% in its trading debut, rising $15.44 to close at $29.44 on Nasdaq. Though the launch was strong, analysts took it as further evidence of Linux fever abating, as stocks in the sector have fallen well off their peaks. Meanwhile, Tuesday’s other initial public offerings got subdued welcomes compared with the jumps seen earlier this year. Aclara Biosciences Inc. (ACLA) rose $11.13 to $32.13 and Inc. (SNOW) gained $4.31 to $15.31. Does “IPO” now stand for, “Is the Party Over?” “I am ready to start formulating an obituary for the IPO market,” said David Menlow, president of . . . Chase Manhattan Corp. (CMB) said it will split its stock 3-for-2 and raise its quarterly dividend 17%. The split is scheduled June 9 for shareholders of record May 17. Chase Manhattan’s shares rose $5.44 to $92 on the NYSE.
