
California Primary

California was one of only three states to hold both its presidential and state primaries on March 7 (the others were Ohio and Maryland). Many of the other states with Super Tuesday primaries--including Washington, New York and several New England states--will hold state primaries in September.

California should consider adopting this two-tiered primary system in the future. It’s silly to delay final voting on state races until eight months after the candidates have been nominated. Even more absurd is the eight-month wait before the runoff for the Los Angeles County district attorney race. Eight weeks makes far more sense.

California has earned a reputation as a trendsetter, but on matters like this, it should not be afraid to play “follow the leader.”



Los Angeles


It has been reported that the high voter turnout in Tuesday’s primary can be attributed to Prop. 22. What hateful and discriminatory legislation can we put on the November ballot to ensure the preservation of democracy?


Santa Ana


I am dismayed at the results of Prop. 21, which puts serious power in the hands of the police, attorneys and the courts to punish juveniles even more than they are currently. We keep missing the point that crime prevention is where the efforts and the money must go. Let’s talk economics. Don’t the voters realize that it will perhaps cost us even more money to prosecute and house these offenders than it might if we were to put the money into programs to help children of broken homes, poverty, neglect and abuse to make a better life for themselves?

To incarcerate a juvenile with violent adult prisoners is a crime in itself. Where is our humanity?



Los Angeles
