

Returns in the “How California Voted” columns represent vote totals from the entire state.

Returns in the “How Los Angeles County Voted” columns represent vote totals from Los Angeles County only.

How California Voted

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

How California Voted

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

012--Parks and Water

Yes: 4,197,188 (63%)

No: 2,453,032 (37%)

013--Drinking Water

Yes: 4,280,481 (65%)

No: 2,328,656 (35%)

014--Library Construction

Yes: 3,874,107 (59%)

No: 2,697,320 (41%)

015--Crime Labs

Yes: 2,939,562 (46%)

No: 3,403,715 (54%)

016--Veterans’ Homes

Yes: 3,978,616 (62%)

No: 2,394,619 (38%)

017--Lotteries and Raffles

Yes: 3,702,053 (59%)

No: 2,617,334 (41%)

018--Murder: Special Circumstances

Yes: 4,594,813 (72%)

No: 1,759,236 (28%)

019--Murder: Peace Officers

Yes: 4,613,078 (73%)

No: 1,670,862 (27%)

01A--Tribal Gaming

Yes: 4,295,280 (65%)

No: 2,359,478 (35%)

020--State Lottery

Yes: 3,356,341 (53%)

No: 2,973,399 (47%)

021--Juvenile Crime

Yes: 4,040,544 (62%)

No: 2,478,824 (38%)

022--Limit on Marriages

Yes: 4,160,706 (61%)

No: 2,617,838 (39%)

023--None of the Above

Yes: 2,120,296 (36%)

No: 3,766,032 (64%)

025--Campaign Finance

Yes: 2,210,074 (35%)

No: 4,130,975 (65%)

026--Local Majority Vote

Yes: 3,178,036 (49%)

No: 3,332,361 (51%)

027--Congressional Term Limits

Yes: 2,475,014 (41%)

No: 3,632,862 (59%)

028--Repeal Tobacco Tax

Yes: 1,834,403 (28%)

No: 4,694,149 (72%)

029--1998 Indian Gaming

Yes: 3,293,597 (53%)

No: 2,921,789 (47%)

030--Insurance Lawsuits

Yes: 2,012,402 (32%)

No: 4,372,823 (68%)

031--Insurance Amendments

Yes: 1,786,923 (28%)

No: 4,502,126 (72%)

How L. A. County Voted

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

012--Parks and Water

Yes: 1,052,854 (69%)

No: 465,848 (31%)

013--Drinking Water

Yes: 1,066,993 (71%)

No: 444,904 (29%)

014--Library Construction

Yes: 962,041 (65%)

No: 528,405 (35%)

015--Crime Labs

Yes: 763,604 (53%)

No: 677,847 (47%)

016--Veterans’ Homes

Yes: 940,984 (65%)

No: 512,333 (35%)

017--Lotteries and Raffles

Yes: 846,840 (59%)

No: 588,505 (41%)

018--Murder: Special Circumstances

Yes: 963,297 (67%)

No: 472,753 (33%)

019--Murder: Peace Officers

Yes: 963,356 (69%)

No: 434,274 (31%)

01A--1998 Tribal Gaming

Yes: 1,045,662 (68%)

No: 489,744 (32%)

020--State Lottery

Yes: 794,978 (56%)

No: 620,521 (44%)

021--Juvenile Crime

Yes: 863,913 (59%)

No: 609,437 (41%)

022--Limit on Marriages

Yes: 901,461 (59%)

No: 639,111 (41%)

023--None of the Above

Yes: 431,736 (33%)

No: 865,069 (67%)

025--Campaign Finance

Yes: 464,217 (32%)

No: 974,218 (68%)

026--Local Majority Vote

Yes: 736,270 (50%)

No: 738,466 (50%)

027--Congressional Term Limits

Yes: 531,528 (39%)

No: 840,487 (61%)

028--Repeal Tobacco Tax

Yes: 393,706 (27%)

No: 1,085,523 (73%)

029--Indian Gaming

Yes: 760,689 (54%)

No: 655,642 (46%)

030--Insurance Lawsuits

Yes: 504,360 (34%)

No: 960,738 (66%)

031--Insurance Amendments

Yes: 460,649 (32%)

No: 975,577 (68%)


Key to Election Tables

An asterisk (*) denotes an incumbent candidate:; a dagger (**) denotes an appointed incumbent.

A double dagger (***) indicates a district is shared by two or more counties. The individual tables don not reflect the total vote.


Elected candidates and approved measures--or those leading with 99% of precincts reporting--are in bold type. Results are not official and could be affected by absentee ballots.

0 % indicates information was unavailable at edition time or only absentee ballots had been counted.

District locations are identified by county. In Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego and Ventura counties, they are identified by community.


Uncontested local offices and write-in candidates are not included in the tables.


Contributing to the Times’ election coverage:

Technical assistance: Victor L. Pulver and Martin Leadman.

Compiled by: Times editorial researcher Tracy Thomas

Contributing: Joaquin Edeza, Rochelle Flores, Jack Torres and Michelle Urbina


Sources: Election returns provided by California Secretary of State and county registrars of voters.



More coverage of Campaign 2000 is available on The Times’ Web site at
