

About 73% of La Habra’s residents have been counted in this year’s census, city officials say.

La Habra’s census response exceeded that of the national and state counts, both of which failed to reach 70%, Chief Planner Carlos Jaramillo said.

“No city in Orange County reached 80% by the initial filing deadline date of April 25,” Jaramillo said, adding that city staff members have been reviewing the collected data since then. “Our results were not from a lack of contact with residents but from a lack of census forms.”


Earlier this year, council members approved a census outreach program that sent people walking from house to house reminding residents to fill out their census forms. As a result, the city discovered that entire blocks in residential neighborhoods did not receive their census forms, and the Census Department was able to focus on those areas.

City officials said that between 2002 and 2012, the community could lose more than $3,000 per person left uncounted this year.
