
The Italian Lentil

DEAR SOS: Is it possible to obtain Massimo Ormani’s recipe for spaghetti with lentils and spinach at Locanda Veneta in Los Angeles? It’s great.


Monterey Park

DEAR BARBARA: This is a hearty, satisfying dish.

Massimo’s Spaghetti With Spinach and Lentils

Active Work Time: 30 minutes * Total Preparation Time: 1 hour plus 2 hours soaking * Vegetarian

3/4 cup lentils


1 bunch spinach

6 Roma tomatoes, halved

Salt, pepper

1 small bunch Italian parsley, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

Dried oregano

Olive oil

1 small carrot, minced

1 red onion, minced

1 stalk celery, minced

1 pound spaghetti

1 to 2 tablespoons butter

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

* Rinse lentils, then cover with water and soak 2 hours. Drain.

* Rinse spinach and remove stems, keeping some water on leaves. Saute spinach in skillet over medium heat until wilted, 2 to 3 minutes. Set aside.


* Place tomatoes in 9-inch square baking pan, cut side up. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste, parsley, garlic, dash oregano and 1 tablespoon oil. Roast at 450 degrees until very tender and lightly browned, 20 to 30 minutes. Set aside.

* Heat 1/3 cup oil in large saucepan over medium heat. Add carrot, onion and celery and saute until vegetables are golden, 8 to 10 minutes. Add lentils and enough water to come 2 to 3 inches above lentils. Cook over low heat until lentils are al dente, 30 to 35 minutes. Drain, reserving 1 cup cooking water. Return reserved water to lentils and set aside.

* Heat 1 teaspoon oil in large saucepan over high heat. Add spinach and tomatoes, breaking them up with wooden spoon. Saute 1 minute. Add lentil mixture and cook 2 to 3 minutes longer.


* Cook spaghetti in boiling salted water until al dente, about 10 minutes. Strain and pour spaghetti into saucepan with lentil sauce. Cook together 1 minute over high heat, adding butter and Parmesan cheese while tossing.

6 servings. Each serving: 662 calories; 201 mg sodium; 8 mg cholesterol; 18 grams fat; 97 grams carbohydrates; 29 grams protein; 4.33 grams fiber.

Turkey Roll’s Back

DEAR SOS: Some years ago you printed a recipe, Adriana Pacifici’s Turkey Roll, that became a favorite of our family. Unfortunately, the recipe has become so tattered and torn I am missing the last few paragraphs and, thus, have lost the instructions for cooking time and temperature. Can you help?



Capistrano Beach

DEAR JOAN: Of course we can. The roll is a festive choice for a large summer party or a holiday substitute for turkey or other roasts. However, plan plenty of time to prepare it in stages. It’s a lot of work but worth it, judging from the requests we’ve received long after the recipe appeared. This is from Pacifici, a caterer.

Adriana Pacifici’s Turkey Roll

Active Work Time: 30 minutes

* Total Preparation Time: 1 hour 45 minutes

1 (3 1/2- to 4-pound) whole turkey breast, boned

3 cloves garlic, cut in half

Salt, pepper

6 slices prosciutto or cooked ham

4 eggs

2 tablespoons chopped parsley

Butter or margarine

6 slices mortadella

Fresh rosemary sprigs or dried rosemary leaves

1/2 cup olive oil

1/2 cup white wine

1 onion, sliced

1 shallot, sliced

* Have butcher remove all turkey bones and butterfly meat to spread out into a flat sheet. With a sharp knife, make 6 random incisions in breast and place garlic half in each. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Cover with a layer of prosciutto slices.

* Beat eggs with salt and pepper to taste. Stir in parsley. Heat 1 to 2 tablespoons butter in large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Pour in eggs and cook to soft, whole round omelet or frittata (do not overcook), 2 to 3 minutes. Cool slightly. Place omelet over prosciutto.

* Top with mortadella slices. Roll breast as tightly as possible, jellyroll fashion, and tie with string all around. If using fresh rosemary, insert sprigs under strings; if using dried rosemary, rub turkey roll with dried herb. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

* Heat oil in large Dutch oven or roasting skillet over low heat. Add turkey roll and cook to brown evenly, turning occasionally. Increase heat and sprinkle with wine. After about 5 minutes or after wine has evaporated, add 1/3 cup butter, onion and shallot. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 1 hour or until meat thermometer inserted in roll reaches 165 degrees. Baste top occasionally.

* Let stand about 15 minutes before carving. Cut into thin slices and arrange on serving platter. At time of serving, heat sauce and pour some over slices and pass remainder.


20 to 24 servings. Each of 24 servings: 126 calories; 116 mg sodium; 73 mg cholesterol; 7 grams fat; 1 grams carbohydrates; 13 grams protein; 0.05 gram fiber.


Vietri platter from Jordano’s, Santa Barbara.
