
Laguna Hills Should Back Off

* Re “Property Ruled Vital to Aliso Viejo,” July 12:

From the tone of City Manager Bruce Channing’s quote, it would appear that the city of Laguna Hills’ intent is to dismiss or derail the incorporation effort for Aliso Viejo and annex portions of our community for pure financial gain.

I would urge the City Council of Laguna Hills to do the right thing and withdraw their application for annexation.

It committed at a public hearing in November 1999 to not proceed with the annexation attempt if it were to jeopardize the incorporation bid for Aliso Viejo.


The Local Agency Formation Commission’s fiscal analysis shows that the loss of the targeted areas kills our efforts for cityhood.

The decision is simple: Support incorporation for Aliso Viejo, eliminate the annexation proposal by Laguna Hills and allow us to become a strong city partner with the surrounding cities.


Aliso Viejo
