
Traveler’s Notes . . .

There’s a new phone number for reserving rooms at the six lodges in Glacier National Park, which stretches from Montana into Canada: (406) 756-2444. The number changed in June. Previously, there were different phones for the summer and winter seasons. . . . The luxury Hotel La Mamounia in Marrakech, Morocco, is closed for renovation and is scheduled to reopen Aug. 30. Paris-based designer Alberto Pinto is redoing most of the rooms “in a style that is more casual and more Moroccan,” officials say. Room rates start at about $250 per night. Reservations: tel. (800) 223-6800. . . . Celebrity Cruises’ new Millennium ship was due to begin its second voyage this weekend, from Amsterdam, after experiencing problems on its maiden voyage, which began July 1. An electrical problem had cut power to its propellers for several hours; repairs have been made, officials said. . . . Citing low bookings, Grand Canyon Railway and Farwest Airlines have ended daily air-rail travel packages from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon that began in April. Packages from Long Beach and Phoenix were discontinued. The two companies, however, still offer packages for group charters. The train travels between the canyon and Williams, Ariz. Tel. (800) 843-8724.
