
You Go, Girl

Amen. Praise God for the spiritual maturity of women like Andrea Heiman (“What’s a Nice Cosmo Girl Like You . . . Doing With an Orthodox Husband?” June 11). What a treasure it is for women to find truth and freedom in a God-centered religious life. How sad that so many are fooled by media-driven pop culture and trendy, pseudo-intellectual self-centered propaganda.

Heidi Simmons

Desert Hot Springs


Puh-leeze! Heiman’s article made me gag. She thinks she’s not conforming now? She’s still conforming, and she’s let a male-dominated mythology set the terms. Her eyes are so clouded by her “enlightenment” that she’s failed to notice there’s a middle ground between “skimpy clothing” and “long sleeves and an ankle-length skirt in the middle of summer.” She should know that we can be sensitive to others and still be free!

Susan E. McTigue

Manhattan Beach


I admire and applaud your courage in printing such a countercultural piece. Even more, I admire and applaud Heiman for having the moral courage to examine the entire structure of her life after attending an Orthodox Jewish gathering. That takes guts!


She beautifully recounts what few people discover living in Southern California: We are meant for something greater than a sleek body, great job and weekend parties. I once scoffed at “church ladies” and never in a million years thought I’d be one. But I am now, in my own faith--Roman Catholicism.

Tina Lorge

Laguna Beach


Heiman says it all if she thinks her only options are to be a Cosmo girl or an Orthodox Jewish wife. Some of us liberals actually have well-thought-out beliefs that we’ve put into practice for decades. We didn’t adopt them from the “Marx-Engels Reader,” a Tarot card deck or a Cracker Jack box. And we didn’t abandon them when we stumbled across something else.

Robert Schmidt

Culver City
